The automobile industry has changed in every aspect since the dawn of the internet. Going to the market and looking for your favorite brand is a thing of the past. Social media and online car marketplaces have made it easy for anyone to search for their desired vehicles, and look for desired features and prices before inspecting them in person. The automobile marketplace industry is getting more evolved with each passing day. Auto dealers are also now opting for the software solution, which helps them to manage inventory better and spread their message in a more organized and effective way. To support the modern requirements of auto dealers and help them to close their deals securely. We have designed “Secure Close” a complete software solution for auto dealers.

What We Do
With the help of our Dealer Management System (DMS-based) Secure Close auto dealing software we offer auto dealers and customers solutions such as; to market, sell, manage, and report on automotive inventory. Digital closing helps you to disengage salesmen and buyers quickly and pave the way for new customers, expunges complex terminology in the agreement, and above all, saves your time and money by avoiding traveling between farther buyer and seller. Our Secure Close auto dealing software enables you to make company setup, add users, track value and advertise your inventory, track sales lead and check their credit history, register vehicles online, print dealerships forms and finance contracts, etc., and last but not least to perform on the spot as well as virtual multiple signing between parties.